
By Jove (momism ID #42), a searchable list of all 377 of mother’s momisms — the whole shebangdasium (#130), compiled by her children (a.k.a. brown boy (#282), blue-eyes (#12), and baby doll (#123)), since 2009, thanks to our good ears for language and our great fingers for typing (#175). Noting our mother’s love for “of the day” websites such as NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD), we designed this website to highlight a momism of the day (MOD).

But wait, isn’t a momism an undue dependence on maternal protection, resulting in loss of independence? Certainly not!

Suffice it to say (#31), in these parts (#105), we know the true definition. A momism is a word that only our mother says; or barring that, when we hear this word, our mother pops immediately to mind.

Our faces upon hearing a new momism: confused smiley